Lyle Patel

Lyle Patel is a self-made lifestyle entrepreneur and real estate investor. He has been investing in technology and real estate for over 25 years, with a particular focus on long term financial freedom strategies by way of active business & passive investment income.

Lyle’s specializes in leveraging technology to assist in building systems and processes for entrepreneurial success. He’s been involved in bootstrapping businesses and actively managing properties. His long term real estate investing is based on sound principals of cash flow.

Cash Flow is the holy grail of finance. Money is a currency, not a store of value. That means it’s only value is while it's in motion. If it sits idle it dies in our inflationary monetary system.

A lifestyle investor is a person that chooses to live life on their terms and creates business opportunities in its' wake.

Cash Flow will determine whether an item is an asset or not. If the cash flows to you - it’s an asset. If the cash flows away from you, it’s a liability - Simple.

A lifestyle investor uses cash flow earned from business and investments to cover their living expenses and fuel their lifestyle. Once you know your cash flow number - you will be well on your way to success.

Technology makes it easier than ever for businesses to succeed. Technology empowers entrepreneurs to implement systems and process - exponentially scaling their businesses.

The greatest asset of a company is its' people. You build the people and the people build the business.

Remember "Why you Started..." - It's perspective is all about gratitude. It keeps you motivated to continue the journey

The Journey

Over 50+
Startups & Doors


Reading List
& Podcasts

Learn on your
own terms

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